So I didn't post last Sunday, but I have a good reason. I was super sick...and so were the babies. Somehow Kevin managed to skip this gross bug and was able to take care of the rest of us!
So let's see....last week....sick babies.....
Not happy to be sick |
We started calling him Linus cause he was carrying his blanket everywhere |
All she wanted was to sleep on her daddy
So most of last week and part of this week was spent trying to feel better. Once the kids were feeling a little better we went to Toys R Us and got them their new favorite DVD - Beauty And The Beast. They love, love, love this movie! I can't tell you how many times we've watched it in these last few days!
The kids have also started talking a lot more. Some new words are: Mine, Rhino, Snake, Up, Down, On, Off, More, Flower, Car, Duck, Bird, Water, Help, Baby, Tootles (Mickey Mouse Club), Teeth, Hiney, Elbow, Hair, Boo Boo, Pee Yew, Ouch, Sorry, Diaper, Doggie and Blankey! They have also become acquainted with Time Out! LOL
Now that the kids are all better, we took them to the Pumpkin Patch. As soon as we let Braedan out of the wagon he ran straight for a pumpkin and gave it a hug and kiss. He wouldn't let it go until Kevin put it in the wagon and promised to buy it for him - man, they are starting early! Braedan didn't venture too far from his pumpkin after it was loaded up, but he sure had fun watching the hay ride go by and talking to the other kids.
Teagan found a pumpkin kind of fast as well, but the pumpkin she picked wasn't feeling the love for her. Poor Teagan tried to push, pick up and even hit her pumpkin to make it go in the wagon, but it wouldn't budge. She tired of it quickly and moved onto another pumpkin. The new pumpkin was slightly larger, but she managed to roll it all the way to the wagon! She really had fun running from one pumpkin to another to give them all kisses!
Sean took his time picking out his pumpkin. He looked at several different ones, touched them, poked them and then moved on. He walked up and down several rows before finding the one he liked. Once he found his favorite ones though, it was love!
Here are some more pictures from the pumpkin patch!
Last night after the kids took a nap they didn't want to stop playing with the pumpkins. We tried to hide them from them, but they kept chanting "pumpin" so Kevin decided to go ahead and carve one for them. I was shocked to see Teagan and Sean trying to scoop out the seeds and stuff. Braedan didn't want anything to do with it at first which we expected, but after a while he even got in on the fun too! And I must say, Kevin did an excellent job carving the first pumpkin - IMPRESSIVE!
And last but not are some random pictures from last week and this week that I didn't write about tonight because I'm exhausted. Until next week...tootles!
wearing a mom shoe and a dad shoe |
mongoose! |
pretending to be daddy |
sifter and spatula....ready to bake! |
pretending to bake! |
sitting in the time out corner (sneaking in toys) and giving a cute smile! |
What great pictures with the pumpkins. Glad to hear everyone is on the mend. It sucks to have 3 sick kids and sucks even more when you're sick too!