I lied. I'm sorry. I said I was going to update this blog every Sunday and sometimes even more often, but I totally didn't blog last week and this is my first time this week. Why? I'M TIRED! We are so stressed over moving, trying to find a house and dealing with 3 babies who have all entered the terrible 2's at the same time. So let's recap last week.....
We started the week with Sean learning that he loves to swiffer mop the floors with me. He giggled the whole time and then cried when we had to put the mop up!
We did our usual MWF after school airplane watching over at the airfield here on base. We actually go over the the EOD area and let the babies run around as the planes fly over. (EOD is the bomb squad) The babies love doing this. The boys are really obsessed with planes. The yell "AIR PAIN" whenever they see a plane in the sky, on tv, in books.... they love, love, love "AIR PAINS!"

Because the babies are so interested in planes, Kevin and I took them to watch the guys who fly the model planes here on base. These planes are actually pretty cool and Braedan thought they were the neatest things ever. He was so sad when we left. The kids learned a new word though, "COCKER!" (helicopter) Now we hear "AIR PAIN" and "COCKER" yelled every two seconds. It's pretty cute because they get all excited, but we've run into a little problem. Braedan was yelling "AIR PAIN" so much that we started replying, "yeah, an airplane" so now he yells, "AIR PAIN, YEAH!" HAHA
We gave the babies spaghetti the other night and man o' man, they sure had a BLAST! There was spaghetti everywhere! Teagan had it in her hair, bellybutton and even in her diaper!
This week was a slow week in pictures. We honestly were so stressed over this big move and trying to find a house and worrying about packing all of our stuff, selling our other car and making the transition from military to civilian life that we didn't even get more than an hour or so of sleep a night. Plus, as I said earlier, the terrible 2's have hit.
It all started when we had to move the babies to converted cribs. That's when we started noticing bite marks all over the boys. We know Teagan was a biter 6 months ago, but it stopped. But she's started again. Braedan gets bit more than Sean, but both are getting bitten often and pretty hard. We've tried vinegar, lemon juice, tapping her mouth, time out, showing her the bites, everything and she won't stop. She usually won't do it if we are around, especially if Kevin is around! ( She hates her dad being upset with her!) She has been getting up at nap and biting them and waiting until we leave the room to bite them as well. It was one thing for her to bite at home, but now she's biting at school. She did it twice this week. AAAHHHH! So our little Princess has turned into JAWS! Hopefully this will pass soon!
So now I find myself at today. The babies are now starting to recognize and differentiate between different animals. Braedan has fallen in love with "Et Doe's" (elephants) and Teagan likes "Ucks" (ducks) and Sean loves everything (he really is a funny guy!) So Kevin decided to take us to the zoo. Right when we walked in the babies started quacking at the Flamingos. Sure, Flamingos don't quack, but it made them happy and they are birds......
Next stop was right around the corner to the ET DOES! But as I look back at the pictures, we sure didn't get any Et Does...oops! I told you we've been stressed! So here are some pictures that we did get!
Teagan didn't stay in her stroller long!
Teagan checking our Meerkat Manor
Checking out their friends
The best part of the day was the Keiki Zoo. Keiki in Hawaiian means children/child. So basically it's the petting zoo. The last time we went Braedan was just learning to walk and Sean could only crawl. Today all three got out of the stroller and went WILD! Their favorite things were 1) playing in the fish tank tunnel! 2) Chasing the tortoise and petting it 3) Chasing and playing with the goats!
Teagan going into the fish tunnel
Braedan inside of the tunnel looking out
Sean in the tunnel looking at the fish |
Um, she may or may not have licked the window... EWW |
"ISH!" (notice her bracelets! she loves them!) |
Sean was so excited! He was all over the place! |
T chasing down and petting the tortoise! |
She loved this goat! |
Silly blue eyed guy! |
With her bracelets! |
He was pointing and waving at everything! |
EXHAUSTED! Sean was out within minutes of getting in the car!
So that was our lives for the last 2 weeks all summed up. We've had "air pains," "cockers", "et doe's," "ucks," "ish," biting, fighting, stressed out parents, messy dinners, plane watching, zoo going and much more to come in the future!!!
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