Welcome To Our Crazy Life

We are the Colls and this is about our life with our triplets. My name is Sandi and my husband's name is Kevin. We got married on Feb. 7, 2004 and instantly started trying to have a baby. 5 years, many tears and loads of help later we found out we were having not one, not two, but three babies!

Braedan, Teagan and Sean bounced into our lives on Nov. 12, 2008 and everything has been turned upside down, flipped sideways and scattered about since then. I’m not going to sugar coat it....it wasn’t easy in the beginning. The NICU, late nights, screaming babies, being thousands of miles from our families because we were stationed in Hawaii, exhaustion and then Kevin deploying to Afghanistan for 6 months the day the kids turned 6 months old......not fun.

But now they are getting older and Kevin has been medically separated from the Marine Corps and we've moved to NY to be closer to family. It's great to finally have family around...... especially now that we've hit the TERRIBLE TWOS triple time!

Even though we are close to family now, we are still learning to survive life with triplets.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

For the love of God, just go to sleep!

Exhausted. I know this word very well. It was a constant the first years of the kid's lives. After one, it got a little easier - until this week. Now I hear myself saying that familiar phrase, "For the love of God, just go to sleep!"

Rewind: In February of this year, Braedan began climbing out of his crib. He couldn't walk yet, but he is part monkey and figured out how to climb out. Knowing that he wasn't ready for a toddler bed, we invested in a crib tent. This lovely contraption is exactly as it sounds. It's a tent that attaches to the crib and makes sure that the baby can't escape. Braedan LOVED his crib tent.

Finding this special thing wasn't easy. Most stores on the mainland won't ship to Hawaii and only one store here would order one. It came at a high cost, but we figured it was worth it to keep Mr. B safe. We knew one day the other two would begin climbing out as well, but we were hoping it would be further down the road.

Fast forward: 7 months later, Teagan began escaping. She was hopping out of her crib so much that the front panel to her crib started to lose it's stability! We thought about getting another crib tent, but that option was out because the only place willing to order these just went out of business. Two days after Teagan's marathon escaping, we noticed little Seany trying to climb out. We had no choice, we had to move to either converted cribs or to toddler beds - quickly (before someone got hurt!)

We debated these options heavily, but decided to go with converting the cribs simply because Kevin is getting out of the military in about 3 months and once we do that, it will take a month for our household goods to ship to NY. Our thoughts are that we will deal with cribs with rails until we move. Once we move we will get the toddler beds in NY instead of waiting for it all to ship!

So off to Babies R Us we went and on to converted cribs... or as we like to call it STRESS-VILLE!

The babies used to nap from 10am-12pm and on non-school days 3pm-4pm. Now that they aren't in cribs, they wont nap at all! Not only is this exhausting me, but they are soooooo worn out and GRUMPY! Even with us sitting in their room with them - THEY WON'T SLEEP!  And this is where I find myself saying over and over,  "For the love of God just go to sleep!"

The only good point to this is 1) they aren't getting hurt and 2) they pass out when we put them to bed for the night! HAHA Hopefully, this will pass and they will go back to napping. If it doesn't I guess we'll be buying stock in Red Bull again!

Kevin Showing Mr. B Around
At the beginning of the week we took the babies to see the planes that they have situated at the front gate of the base. Their love for "air pains" is growing daily so this little adventure was amazing to them.
Cutie Pie


Lookie In Here Teagan

Before Heading Home We Watched A Beautiful Sunset

Of course it was the start of football season so we had to wear our gear!


Finally, we took the babies to the Pacific Aviation Museum. Sure, it sounds fancy, but it literally took all of 5 minutes to walk around and look at everything. Not big or too spectacular for us, but the babies LOVED all of the planes!
Lastly, here are some pictures of the newest cupcake experiments! I did watermelon ones at the beginning of the week and then yesterday I made mini pies (pie flavored cupcakes that are decorated like the flavors they taste like!)


Lemon Meringue Pie 

Lemon And Blueberry pie

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